Conscious Constructions

The more I look around and talk to people the more I hear about sustainability and the evolution of eco dynamic products, it seems as though more and more people are leaning towards reducing their environmental impacts through living smarter and taking more notice about what they’re supporting with their currency tokens. Over the coming weeks …

Thinking of Investing in your future?

Looking to the future? A Granny flat could be just what you’re looking for. Lightweight modular constructions are quick, effective and customisable. We have the solution to suit your situation. Austranquility Homes offers property owners an avenue to increase the value of their greatest asset. With the help of our esteemed financial advisers we can …

Granny Flats Available

“Granny Flats” have grown dramatically in popularity over the past couple of years. With high house prices and rent keeping teenagers and adult kids at home for longer, parents are looking at different ways to help them achieve some level of independence while saving for a home loan.   They also appeal a great deal …